Software HMI Soft-VT

The same functions as the VT5 on your PC

  • Best-in-class graphics
    16.77 million colour display
  • Spoken notifications
    Speech synthesis
  • Full HD display
    1920 × 1080 pixel

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Get the same functions as the VT5 on your PC

  • 16.77 million colour display

    16.77 million colours: Parts can even be rendered opaque.

    Parts displayed on-screen can be rendered opaque or with smoothed outlines for improved graphics quality.

  • Speech synthesis

    Audio replay using the PC's built-in speakers.

    Equipment operation guidance and operator warnings can be output through speech synthesis. Multiple languages are supported for the convenience of operators from different language backgrounds.

  • Slide tab function

    The slide tab section can be made to appear in the conventional screen area. By assigning lesser-used menu bars and other components to this section, you gain more screen area for general display needs.

All the functions of Soft-VT with even more convenience

Centralised monitoring of multiple PLC devices

With the PLC MultiTalk function, connect 2 types of supported PLCs (including those of different vendors) up to 16 units each. The statuses of each PLC can be monitored using a single Soft-VT program.

For details, see the catalogue.

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