Laser Displacement Sensors

KEYENCE's laser displacement sensors enable non-contact measurement of a target's height, position, or distance. By pairing multiple sensors, measurements such as thickness and width can also be performed. High-accuracy displacement sensors can be grouped into two categories: confocal and laser triangulation. Both provide accurate, reliable solutions for non-contact measurement, but depending on the application one type may offer an advantage over the other.

Products Lineup : High Precision Measurement (Reflective Distance Sensors)

LK-G5000 series - Ultra High-Speed/High-Accuracy Laser Displacement Sensor

The laser triangulation displacement sensors of the LK-G5000 Series offer high speed and high accuracy for non-contact displacement measurement applications. The sensors utilise advanced hardware such as the RS-CMOS and HDE lens pack to provide reliable results on a range of materials by ensuring the returned light is always in focus. This technology creates a sensor with superior linearity (0.02% of F.S.) and repeatability (0.005 µm). With a max sampling speed of 392 kHz, the LK-G5000 Series can reliably monitor vibrations or catch small changes in fast-moving targets. The head lineup is designed to support a variety of industries and applications, allowing users to select the ideal sensor based on their requirements for measurement range, accuracy, and beam spot size.

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LK-G3000 series - High-speed, High-accuracy CCD Laser Displacement Sensor

The LK-G3000 Series laser displacement sensors employ high-accuracy Li-CCD and ernostar lensing to provide a flexible solution for measuring displacement. This series offers a broad range of sensor heads to support applications requiring high accuracy or large standoff and has a maximum range of 1 metre. The sensors are equipped with a function (ABLE) that automatically adjusts the settings to optimise the reflection from different surfaces, making it possible to measure translucent, rubber, or metal materials stably.

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Products Lineup : Reflective Distance Sensors

IL series - CMOS Multi-Function Analogue Laser Sensor

IL Series CMOS multi-function analogue laser sensors are reflective laser displacement sensors that provide the best-in-class detection ability and stability at a reasonable cost. Stable detection is possible without tuning for workpiece types or their surface conditions, so the IL Series can be added to production lines to help make setup, changeover, and product changes easier. With a wide-ranging lineup of sensor heads, including high-accuracy models and long-range (up to 3.5 m) models, these laser sensors can be applied to diverse applications thanks to their broad dynamic range and environmental resistance. 1 μm repeatability allows for use in high-tolerance detection setups that previous sensors could not stably provide.

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